Welcome to ICTM!

 Congrats to our Newly Elected Board Members!
Please join us in congratulating the newly elected ICTM Board members: Shanteau Allen (EC-6 Director), Marissa Grayson (9-12 Director), and Lauren James (Director At-Large). These directors will serve three-year terms starting in the fall of 2024. Additionally, you elected Jeremy Babel to be the next President of ICTM. Jeremy will serve as President-Elect for one year starting in the fall of 2024 and then begin his two-year term as President in fall of 2025. Finally, he will serve a one-year term as Past President starting in the fall of 2027. Thank you to all members who ran for these elections, and welcome to our new Board members!

The NCTM Annual Conference is in Chicago in September!
ICTM will not be holding our own annual conference this fall, instead we are helping to support the NCTM annual conference that is taking place in Chicago from September 25 - 28! The theme of the conference is The Math of Their Dreams: Illuminating Students’ Brilliance. If you have never been to national conference, it is an amazing experience with thousands of Math Educators (from ALL grade levels) from around the country and features many keynote speakers and different session formats to make the most of your conference experience.  Registration is open! To learn more about the conference and different registration options, click HERE.

The Illinois Math Teacher Journal is Back! Check out the February Issue!
The Illinois Math Teacher (IMT) has been the official journal of ICTM since the early 1970's! After a brief hiatus, we are excited to announce that the IMT has been relaunched so that Illinois math educators of all levels have a another great way to share their learning, lessons, and reflections with our broader community.  CLICK HERE to go to the new IMT webpage and access the February issue which contains four relevant and interesting articles related to multilingual learners, rehumanizing mathematics, valuing student thinking, and the history of ICTM's annual conference.  You can also find out how YOU can share your work in future editions of the IMT! Special thanks goes to our new lead editor, Marshall Lassak (Eastern Illinois University), for leading the effort to bring back the IMT!

Congratulations to our 2023 Teaching Award and College Scholarship Recipients
Each year, ICTM recognizes up to 9 individuals for specific teaching awards who have demonstrated excellence in math education in Illinois. Congratulation to our 2023 recipients seen below!  ICTM also gives up to three $1500 college scholarships each year.  Congratulations to our 2023 recipients: Canyon Novick (Univ. of St. Francis), Katrina Schideman (Univ. of Illinois), and Michael Severino (Illinois State Univ.).


Thank you to our 2023 Conference Sponsors!
ICTM is grateful to our 20 sponsors that help to make this conference possible. Click the image below to learn more about these organizations through our Virtual Exhibitor Hall! 


Need to join or renew membership with ICTM?
If you are new member, or need to restart a lapsed membership, then Fill out a membership application here to join us today. We'd love to have you be a part of ICTM! If you are a member, when it is time to renew your membership, our system will automatically send you a renewal e-mail.  In the email is a link to an invoice.  You can either pay that invoice online with a credit card or mail in a check.  If you are an individual member (instead of a retired or student member), you can select different renewal periods such as 3-year or 5-year renewal. Questions? e-mail [email protected]

Need to set (or reset) your password?

Click the button to have an email sent to you allowing you to set your password if you never have or reset it if you have forgotten it.  Then log in and update your contact info!

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Learning Resources

We have put together a list of websites and other resources to assist with this school year. Check it out!


ICTM Learning Resources Page